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About Brianna Régine 

Dear Beautiful Spirit (Yes, I'm talking to ya), 


I never know how to answer this question. It's so broad and truth be told, I'm still on a path of self-discovery...but I'll give it a try...


I'm Brianna Régine--a 26 year old go-getter, business owner, and blogger with a memorable work ethic, an empathetic spirit, a (corny) sense of humor and a healthy dose of sophistarachet. Basically, I'm a S.S. (Seasoned Shawty). 


I'm a Bronx, New York native but Connecticut has held me in the tightest bear hug for 10+ years. I'm the first daughter of two lovely, amazing and inspiring parents; and I have three siblings as well as three furry friends (Mhm, my household is E-VENT-FUL!...) I'm a strong believer of age not being a limitation on one's ability to go after their goals and I have a passion for helping dreamers bring their vision(s) to life. 


As an Uconn'17 alum aka fairly recent attendee to this crazy world (#SendHelp), I've become more attached and dedicated to the idea of life being bigger than myself... of establishing a legacy that motivates others to be the best version of themselves--flaws and all.  


What better way to do that than to document my own behavioral, cognitive and emotional imperfections so that YOU don't always have to wonder, "Why do I feel Obamaself?"


I invite you to join me on this crazy journey called life... and to gain better understanding about where we're going. is a place for you to gain understanding about business, adulting and social issues; and more importantly apply your understanding in your own lives. At our ever-evolving truths may surprise us, make us laugh, smile, and/or cry. But more importantly, I hope our transparent content comforts and motivates you to DO LIFE.


After all, you only have one.


~ Prosper On

Brianna Régine

Meet Brianna Régine
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